Seeking: 2020 Home Show Presenting Sponsor

The Anchorage Home Builders Association is seeking a Presenting Sponsor of the 2020 Anchorage Home Show. Outlined below are the benefits and expectations of this partnership. We would love the opportunity to work with a sponsor that can provide a prize that will draw in homeowners and home buyers to increase the quality of attendees at the 2020 Home Show. Our ideal sponsor will also bring unique ideas to the table to help increase awareness and excitement around the event.
Here is what we are looking for -
Furnish our Text-to-Win Giveaway Grand Prize. (Valued at min. $10,000)
Provide a cash sponsorship to AHBA of a minimum of $5,000.
Help to publicize the contest and Home Show leading up to the event.
Participate as a Vendor in the 2020 Show.
Here is what we will get -
Free booth at the Home Show. ($1,300 Value)
Free Logo on the Jumbo Tron. ($150 Value)
Free 30 Second Commercial on the Jumbo Tron. ($300 Value)
The opportunity to host one Seminar per day at the show. ($300 Value)
The only booth at Home Show to have a Text-to-Win entry code.
Mention and logo displayed on the TV commercial.
Mention in Radio Ads & Live on-air leading up to the event. ($5,000 Value)
Logo on all print materials promoting the Home Show. ($33,000 Value)
Includes print ads, flyers, posters, coffee sleeves, postcards, etc.
Social media a minimum of 10 posts. ($3,000 Value)
Logo displayed on the website for 1 year. ($1,000 Value)
Two-pages of content in Spring Preview Tour Magazine. ($2,000 Value)
Full-page ad in Spring Preview Magazine dedicated to contesting details.
Optional press event or for the announcement of the winner.
Radio personalities participation based on availability.
If you are interested, please call Nicole at 907-522-3605 or email